New Music: NE-YO Releases 'Two'

CW Music 5:03 PM


By @MissDimplez

The best way to deliver new music is straight to the hands and the ears of the people. NE-YO created a new semi-unauthorized soundcloud channel to be able to share his heartfelt offerings directly with you. The channel came equipped with his first gift, "Two", a special melody which he secretly debuted upon serenading his wife with during their private wedding ceremony.

Here's what NE-YO had to say about the song upon release: "This is my new Soundcloud where I will be posting music regularly... Starting NOW! Let's set it off slow and heartfelt. This song is called "Two". It expresses a love that makes you feel like the only two people on the planet, the only two opinions, the only two ideas, the only two hearts and mind. I hope you all find a love like this one day... This is the song I attempted to sing to my wife on our wedding day. If you saw the video, you know it didn't go well. LOL. Emotions and all that. This is a song that expresses a love that makes the opinion of others mean even LESS than they actually do. For in TRUE love the only opinions that matter....are "TWO.""

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